George Lucas has no plans on returning to direct Star Wars. Asked which character he would like to be, Lucas chose Jar Jar Binks, in a clear dig at his critics. The gungan has come to typify the film-maker’s prequel movies about the rise and subsequent fall of Anakin, which while successful at the box office are regarded as terrible by many fans. That’s a shame because it ended up removing Jar Jar from the big screen and placed him behind the cameras, where he directed episodes VII and XI, throwing the franchise in the trash bin of movie history and put at risk the entire future of Star Wars.

I know what you’re thinking, so many missed opportunities, right? Think of the possibilities with such a rich and charismatic character, think of everything uncle George could’ve done with him and his midichlorians. But not all is lost, reliable sources guarantee that Jar Jar will return on fire in the next season of The Mandalorian, bringing back all that so well missed excitement and charisma to the world of streaming. Watch out Baby Yoda! #MayThe4rth