The fish-man of Liérganes (Spanish: hombre pez), is a cryptid which belongs to the mythology of Cantabria, located in the north of Spain. The fish-man of Liérganes would be an amphibian human-looking being, a metamorphosis of a real human being who was lost at sea. His story was examined by the enlightened writer Benito Jerónimo Feijoo, who somehow claimed that the story of the fish-man of Liérganes was true.
Feijoo, B.J., (1726-1739) “Teatro Crítico Universal”. [1] Marañón, G. (1934), “Las ideas biológicas del padre Feijoo”, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. 335pp.
Nov 27, 2010 - 06:57 PM
Muito bom teu trabalho. Moro aqui na Oscar Freire do lado de Pinheiros e curti muito os desenhos de observação que vc fez nas redondezas. Parabéns. Abração.
Nov 25, 2010 - 01:38 AM
Blz hein rapá! Encontramos com o Gustavo no Comicon e ele pegou o seu Pindura, dia 4 faremos um lançamento por ai! Valeu pela presença!